The Church

Writer: Dario Argento, Franco Ferrini, Michele Soavi
Cast: Hugh Quarshie, Tomas Arana, Feodor Chaliapin Jr.
Director: Michele Soavi
Release Year:1989

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Well, I had no idea what I was getting into with this one. Argento wrote this as another Demons film but was convinced to make it its own thing. Which, while having similar ideas of opening a gateway to hell, is drastically different than the feel of Demons.

A group of peasants who are believed to be in league with satan are killed during medieval times. A Church is built on top of the spot of the massacre and then many years later people are trapped in the Church with ghosts who want to use the people as a sacrifice to Satan. Because of this ritualistic sacrifice, demons to come back to earth to rule. Lots of practical effects for creatures, monsters, and gore take shape on this very Carpenter esque style film but with the Italian flair for the over dramatic acting and violence. The ending effects with the giant tree/ people melting scene out of the portal from hell is incredibly effective and kind of gives you the willies. It’s grotesque. Which really gets the point across.

Tomas Arana plays the new librarian working at the Church who gets sucked into this world of survival with Father Gus because he accidentally opens the portal to hell. Asia Argento has a role in one of her earliest roles as well.

The devil is everywhere. Or so the Priest tells us. As the film unfolds the evil does seem to consume the world we are in and bring about a sense of claustrophobia. Like the light is getting dimmer. A lesser known Argento classic in my opinion from his middle era of releases.

Oh did I mention Goblin does the score? So you know it is solid as hell and driving. Goblin can do no wrong when it comes to the scoring department.

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