
The First Omen (2024)

I’m going to try to dispense with the plot summary here and get right to it; spoilers be damned. If […]

Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1965)

Hammer had many rivals, but their greatest was Amicus, a company that used many of the same actors, directors, and […]

Invisible Agent (1942)

After two sequels, the Invisible Man concept had lost a little bit of its direction. Universal had already brought back […]

Horror Guts 2: Deuce-a-Go-Go!

Experience the sites and sounds of vintage New York's infamous 42nd St! This month, Greg takes us on a tour of the streets and cinemas, and recounts his first time seeing John Carpenter's classic The Thing

Shock (1977)

Mario Bava released his final film, “Shock,” also known as “Beyond The Door 2,” in 1977. “Shock” is one of […]

Review of Magic Cop: Bagua Brick-Bashing and Badass Sorceresses

Wei Tung’s ‘Magic Cop’ (1990) is an incredibly fun, lighthearted action-horror-comedy from the Golden Age of Hong Kong Cinema. It […]

Review of “The House That Screamed”: A Giallo Gem Ahead of Its Time

Our Review: “The House That Screamed” The House That Screamed is a Spanish Giallo film set in an all-girls school […]

Review of The Vampire Lovers 1970

Directed by Roy Ward Baker, this is the first in Hammer Film’s series of female-centric/ lesbian Vampire stories surrounding the […]

Faceless Film Review

You can’t just jump into Euro Sleaze. It’s a slow acceptance. Sometimes it’s done very well, and you overlook the […]


Produced by Roger Corman and directed by Gremlins mastermind Joe Dante, this is one of the few post-Jaws rip-offs worth […]