Category:Cult Classics

The Perfect Weapon (1991)

By the early 90s, the traditional Ninja film of the 80s had run its course. We were now in a […]

Jason and The Argonauts (1963)

There is a reason no one has ever attempted to remake this film outside of a middle-of-the-road TV show. Is […]

Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1965)

Hammer had many rivals, but their greatest was Amicus, a company that used many of the same actors, directors, and […]

Invasion of the Body Snatchers ( 1978)

When you compare the original The Thing From Another World to John Carpenter’s Remake, you can see that while the […]

The Dunwich Horror (1970)

Lovecraftian horror comes few and far between. It is even more rare when it is decent. Our film opens with […]

The Outside Man (1972)

Euro crime films are so distinctly different from American ones, but you can’t really describe them. You have to watch […]

Hell Comes To Frogtown (1988)

I don’t know how many hypersexualized post-apocalyptic satires there are out there, but I know of at least one. Roddy […]

Leviathan (1989)

1989 was the year of oversaturating the underwater adventure genre. Within eight months of each other, there were six films, […]

Horror Express (1972)

I was deep into my British horror discovery and obsession several years ago. It never really disappeared, as I revisit […]

City Of The Living Dead (1980)

First off, let’s discuss the difference between a graveyard and a cemetery. There is a difference here. That difference is […]