Category:Dissecting Horror

Dissecting Horror is a series of thoughtful essays examining horror tropes, themes, and archetypes.

My Horrifying Asian Family

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the films Pee Mak, The Closet, Home for Rent, Bulbbul, and The Medium. […]

Women Filmmakers in Horror: Telling Women’s Stories

Highlighting women's voices in horror, this piece showcases auteurs like Mary Lambert and Julia Ducournau, underscoring their dynamic contributions to the genre.

Hi…. I’m Doug McClure……

Growing up as a kid in the late 80s and early 90s, the Simpsons was a way of life. At […]

Up-and-Coming Women Filmmakers in Horror

In 2023, looking up women filmmakers in horror will present you with a discourse that can be summarized as to […]

Rubber Suit Madness: The Fishman

What is Lovecraftian? The Fishman for the most part can be traced back to the influential writings of H.P. Lovecraft. […]

Saw and the Dilution of a Franchise

Horror movies are notorious for their ability to turn a hefty profit for those involved in their making, and it’s […]

Evil Dead Rise and the Importance of Supporting Your Favorite Creators

Please Be Kind, Your Favorite Horror Filmmakers Need Your Support Now, More Than Ever People’s opinion of Evil Dead Rise […]

Tomie and the Female Archetypes in Horror

In the 1912 essay “The Most Prevalent Form of Degradation in Erotic Life”, Freud writes the following about Psychic Impotence: […]